shak's Help 

  1. System Concepts
  2. Managing Programming Contests
    1. Preparing a contest
      1. New programming contest
      2. Programming languages allowed
      3. Adding groups and teams
      4. Problem set
      5. Printing command
      6. Networking Mooshak
      7. Check lists for the contest
    2. During a contest
    3. Concluding a contest
  3. Mooshak interfaces
  4. Frequently asked questions

Programming languages allowed

Inside the folder for the contest you are setting up, open the languages folder and do the following:

  1. Add new language give a name (usually the language name) to a new folder for the language you are defining.

    By default, you already have four languages set (C, Pascal, C++ and Java). If these are enough for you then you can advance directly to the next step.

  2. (Re-)Define attributes for a language: open a language folder, say the C folder, and re-define the attributes as necessary. Pay close attention to the extension-name and compilation flags. These should preferably be the same as those used by the teams (the teams should be aware of the compilation flags used; they should be explicit in the Mooshak FAQ and documentation given to teams).

Repeat the above steps for each programming language you want to use in the contest.

Note that if you have previously setup some other contest that used the same set of programming languages and corresponding configuration, then you can reuse the previous definition by copying the languages folder from that contest and and pasting it within the new contest folder. First, you may have to remove the default languages folder created by the system for the new contest.